TikTok Marketing

0 min read
June 29, 2022

In the age of social media marketing, there are seemingly endless possibilities for advertising your brand’s products or services online. With over 4 billion active social media users worldwide, there is so much potential to expand your audience, generate leads, and significantly increase revenue.

Facebook and Instagram have long been advertising pillars for brands big and small. But with the global shift to video marketing, a new juggernaut has taken over: TikTok.


Why Your Brand Should Use TikTok Ads

TikTok is a video-sharing social media app with more than one billion active monthly users in over 150 countries. It was the worldwide top mobile app download in 2020 (850 million) and 2021 (656 million), and it is the first non-Facebook app to reach 3 billion downloads worldwide.

There is no overstating the potential for audience reach on TikTok. Over 50% of the UnitedStates population usesTikTok, and it is now more popular than Instagram among Gen Z consumers. In one internet minute, TikTok users watch 167 million videos. Global user spending on the platform totaled $2.3 billion in 2021, up 77% since 2020.

All of these numbers are staggering, especially because the global version of TikTok was only released in 2017. The world’s biggest brands, such as Apple Music, Fenty Beauty, Nike, and Netflix, have created TikTok campaigns to promote their products.

Because of TikTok’s advanced features for ad creation and a powerful targeting algorithm, the ads platform can lead your brand directly to the most highly lucrative groups of users.

Here is how you can get started:

Steps ToSet up a TikTok Ad Campaign

1. Create an Ads Account on TikTok

Source: TikTok

To create an account, you need an email address or phone number along with your country, time zone, and Business Name.

If you wish to use this and other TikTok For Business products, your Business Name must match your official documentation, or your application will not pass account review.

2. Create an Ad Campaign on TikTok

Source: TikTok

Once you’re logged into TikTok Ads Manager, click on the campaign tab at the top of the dashboard and choose create.

First, consider your business goals and choose the advertising objective that will help you meet them. If you want more people to be aware of your brand or product, reach will help you do that. If you want to send interested visitors to your website, traffic is the best option.

3. Set Your Budget

Choose a descriptive name for your campaign. Note that TikTok Ads has a limit of 999 campaigns per account.

Source: TikTok

Next, set up your campaign budget. Lifetime Budget (the maximum amount you are willing to spend during the entire run) and Daily Budget (the maximum amount each day) must beat least $50.

4. Set Your TikTok Ad Placements and Targeting

Next, you can choose among the targeting options offered by the platform. You can define the exact parameters such as specific devices, locations, interests, ages, languages, genders, and other details to target. This way, your ad will show up for your exact intended audience.

You may also opt for automatic placements and let TikTok’s algorithm determine where your ad would perform best.

After choosing the placements, enter every necessary detail by following the prompts to begin running your ad. It should include relevant categories, URLs, images, and display names. You may also choose up to 20 keywords that would describe your app or website. All of these details will match your products to the best audience.

For a granular advertising approach, you can create a custom audience by uploading TikTok userIDs using a ZIP, TXT, or CSV file.

5. Set Your Schedule

Once you’ve created your ad campaign, you can bundle it within an ad group and set a budget and schedule for their runs. The minimum Daily Budget and Lifetime Budget for ad groups is $20.

Next, you can choose to schedule the start and end times that your ads will appear. You can be as specific or flexible as you want—your scheduling decisions should depend on your target audience’s app behavior.

You can opt for day parting, wherein you can set specific periods within the day (from half an hour to 24 hours) to run your ads.  

6. Set Your Optimization Goals and Bid Strategy

Next, you should choose your optimization goal (Reach, Click, or Conversion) and set your bidding strategy accordingly. These are critical metrics that you want to achieve from your campaign.


Reach is the simplest goal—to put your ad in front of as many people as possible and expand awareness of your brand, product, or service.

These ads are billed per CPM (Cost Per Mille), which is the price you are willing to pay for 1,000 impressions. The algorithm will deliver your ad to the broadest audience possible within your budget.


The next level of ad optimization is Click, where the aim is to entice your audience to follow a link to your website, landing page, blog post, or YouTube video that will expand on the specific details of your ad.

Clicks are billed as CPC (Cost Per Click), which means the algorithm will show your ad to users most likely to click at a cost close to your bid.


When you choose Conversion, the algorithm will serve your ad to the audiences most likely to convert via a favorable action, such as a purchase, subscription, form submission, or app download.

Click Library and select Conversions to create conversion events. For example, you can set conversion tracking for the number of app installations that your ad triggers. Just type in the name of your conversion event, enter the link to your app download on the App Store or Google Play Store, then choose a tracking partner that will measure your ads’ conversions.

The set payment method for Conversions is CPM, and the default bidding method is oCPM (optimization Cost Per Mille). Your bid represents the amount you are willing to pay for 1,000conversions.

Set Delivery Type

Next, you can choose your ad delivery method. This setting determines how quickly your ad will be delivered and the speed at which you will spend your budget.

Standard Delivery means your budget will be spent evenly throughout the campaign. This optimizes your overall ROI.

Accelerated Delivery means the system will prioritize a large volume of results in the shortest possible time. This ensures the highest exposure for your ads.

6. Create YourAds

With TikTok AdManager’s creative tools, you can create image and video ads in just a few minutes. The video creation process is reasonably straightforward. You can use square, vertical, or horizontal images and videos for your TikTok ads.

You can upload your own images and videos from scratch or use templates that you can customize and over 300 free background music options.

Source: TikTok

You can opt for some of the most popular and influential video ad campaigns on TikTok:

Hashtag Challenges

You can collaborate with TikTok’s marketing team to create a sponsored Hashtag Challenge (HTC) to boost brand awareness and user engagement. Successful HTCs have sparked industry trends and cultural movements that last long after the campaign periods have ended.

Brand Takeovers

Brand takeover ads instantly appear when a user opens up the app. It includes a clickable link that will lead to an external app, website, or another TikTok video. These ads only show up for users once each day, and they fetch premium prices that international brands shell out for.

Here is an example of a brand takeover on TikTok:

In-Feed Ads

Full-screen in-feed ads appear on users’ native news feeds on the For You page. These ads can be up to 10 seconds long, with a prominent Call-to-Action (CTA) to prompt an action from the user. Your CTA can redirect to your app, website, landing page, product page, blog post, or other relevant links.

The average cost for in-feed ads is $10 per CPM, a relatively affordable option compared to takeovers and HTCs.

Here is a great example of an ad that links to an app download for cartoon effects:


7. Optimize Your TikTok Ads

Every element of your TikTok ad should be optimized to encourage user engagement and clicks. This means you must use high-resolution images, icons, and videos (720p or higher) that will appear to their best advantage in full-screen across all devices.

Each ad should focus on just one CTA to ensure that users will take the appropriate action. The simpler, the better. For example, if you are advertising a brand new product, link to the relevant product page on your website. If you want to encourage users to download your app, link directly to the link to Google Play Store, and do not clutter the ad with any other information.

TikTok is a video platform, and its users expect to be wow-ed on a visual level. This means you have limited opportunity to make an impression with words. Ad descriptions at the bottom of the screen have a 100-character limit, so the most critical ad details must be in the video itself.

You can use TikTok Video Editor to incorporate blocks of relevant text on your ad, but again, ad real estate is very limited. TikTok's best practices recommend video ads to be 21 to 34 seconds long—not much time to read more than a few lines of text.

It would be best to experiment with a wide range of creative elements and targeting options before narrowing your campaigns and ad groups to these elements' most successful combinations.

You should also take advantage of other built-in ad tools. The Automated Creative Optimization tool at the ad group level will allow you to upload up to 5 videos or 10 images, 1CTA, and 5 ad texts to combine your creative assets into numerous ads.

Throughout your campaign, varieties of these ads will be tested to ultimately present the best combination so you can reach your target audience.

With the Landing Page to Video tool, you can capture high-quality image materials from any landing page URL that you feed into it. You can combine these images with music to create video ads automatically.

8. Track Your TikTok Analytics

Source: TikTok

Through TikTok AdsManager, you can generate reports for all of your campaigns. Just go to the Reporting page and click Create and then Custom Report. You can choose which Dimensions (ads, ad groups, placements, campaigns) and Metrics you want to include in your report.

TikTok Metrics include to following:


- Conversions (and Real-Time counterpart)

- Cost Per Result (and Real-Time counterpart)

- Cost Per Acquisition (and Real-Time counterpart)

- Cost Per Click

- Click-Through Rate

- Conversion Rate % (and Real-Time counterpart)

- Real-Time Conversions

- Real-Time Result Rate

- Total Cost

You can also schedule automatically generated reports to be sent to your email address daily, weekly, or monthly.  


TikTok has a vast audience reach across the United States and worldwide. Your brand should take advantage of the tremendous advertising potential on this platform.

TikTok also provides users and advertisers with a comprehensive array of automation and design tools. You don’t need to be a video editing expert to set up and eventually master the creation and optimization of effective TikTok ads.

This step-by-step guide is an excellent resource that will guide you through your marketing efforts on TikTok.

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Jenner Kearns
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Jenner Kearns
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Kenneth Shen
Chief Executive Officer
Kenneth Shen
Chief Executive Officer
Kenneth Shen
Chief Executive Officer
Jenner Kearns
Chief Delivery Officer
Kenneth Shen
Chief Executive Officer
Jenner Kearns
Chief Delivery Officer
Jenner Kearns
Chief Delivery Officer
Jenner Kearns
Chief Delivery Officer
Jenner Kearns
Chief Delivery Officer
Kenneth Shen
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Jenner Kearns
Chief Delivery Officer
Kenneth Shen
Chief Executive Officer
Kenneth Shen
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Isla Bruce
Head of Content
Isla Bruce
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Jenner Kearns
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Isla Bruce
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Kenneth Shen
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Isla Bruce
Head of Content
Isla Bruce
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Creating a landing page that drives high conversions is essential for effective advertising campaigns. The key to a successful landing page is a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) that guides visitors toward a single goal. By focusing on this primary objective, businesses can increase their leads and improve overall campaign performance.

Effective landing pages often utilize well-designed templates, clean layouts, and concise messaging. These elements help maintain visitor attention and reduce the likelihood of them leaving the page. Additionally, personalizing the content to resonate with the target audience can significantly enhance engagement.

Conversion rates can be improved by incorporating elements such as testimonials, relevant images, and strategic use of whitespace. These elements build trust and highlight the value proposition of the offer, making the visitor more likely to take action. Utilizing best practices and continuously optimizing the landing page will ensure it remains effective over time.

Essentials of Effective Landing Pages

Creating an effective landing page involves focusing on design and layout, as well as crafting compelling content. These elements work together to capture visitor attention and drive conversions.

Design and Layout Considerations

A clean and organized design is crucial. An effective landing page for ads should have a simple structure that guides the visitor's eye to the CTA. Avoid clutter. Remove extra navigation to keep the visitor focused on the main action you want them to take.

Visual elements like high-quality images or videos can capture attention. Use colors that align with your brand but also create contrast to make the CTA stand out. Consistent font styles and sizes help maintain readability, while white space enhances content focus.

Content Is King: Crafting Compelling Copy

The headline should quickly communicate the main benefit or message of the page. It needs to be clear and persuasive. Compelling copy is crucial. Use a value proposition to explain what the visitor gains by completing the desired action.

  • Bullet points* can break down benefits or features in an easy-to-read format. Avoid long paragraphs – be direct and concise. Testimonials or case studies can add credibility and encourage trust. Ensure that all text supports the main goal without overwhelming the reader. Keep it straightforward and focused.

Optimization Strategies for Google Ads

Effective optimization of Google Ads involves enhancing keyword relevance, leveraging analytics, and conducting A/B tests to improve ad performance and user experience. Focusing on these strategies can lead to higher ad efficiency and better return on investment.

Keyword Relevance and Ad Copy

Keywords are the backbone of any Google Ads campaign. Ensuring keyword relevance means that the keywords used in ads must match what potential customers are searching for. This involves extensive keyword research to find terms that align with user intent.

Ad copy plays a crucial role in optimization. The text should be clear and compelling, directly addressing the needs highlighted by the keywords. Including keyword-rich anchor text, such as phrases that link directly to landing page best practices, can improve ad quality scores and relevance.

Here are some tips:

  • Use exact match keywords for highly relevant searches.
  • Write ad copy that reflects the keyword intent.
  • Highlight unique selling propositions (USPs) to stand out.

Utilizing Analytics for Improvement

Analytics is essential for measuring and improving the performance of Google Ads. Google offers tools like Google Analytics and Google Ads reports that provide insights into user behavior. Key metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and bounce rate help in understanding how well ads are performing.

By analyzing this data, advertisers can make informed decisions about where to allocate budget and which landing pages need improvement. For instance, a high bounce rate might indicate that a landing page does not match user expectations. Optimization efforts should focus on making the landing page closely match the promises made in the ad, which can be guided by Google’s guidelines.

A/B Testing for Performance Tweaks

A/B testing is a method where two versions of an ad or landing page are compared to see which performs better. This involves changing variables like headlines, images, and calls-to-action to see what resonates the most with users.

Running A/B tests can lead to significant insights. For example, one version of an ad might have a higher CTR because of a more compelling headline. Tools like Google Optimize can be used for this purpose. When tweaking landing pages, it's important to implement changes like strategic CTA placements and messaging.

By systematically testing different aspects of an ad campaign, advertisers can fine-tune their strategies to maximize performance and conversion rates.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) focuses on improving the number of visitors who take the desired action on your landing page. This can be achieved through effective CTA elements and trust signals like testimonials.

Call-to-Action Elements

The call-to-action elements are crucial for encouraging visitors to act. These elements should be clear, concise, and placed prominently.

Use action-oriented language like "Sign Up Now" or "Get Started Today." The button or link for the CTA should stand out with contrasting colors to grab attention. It's essential to perform A/B testing to see which CTA versions drive higher conversions. Split testing different offers or placements can significantly improve landing page performance.

Trust Signals and Testimonials

Trust signals and testimonials help build credibility and reassure visitors about your service or product.

Displaying testimonials from satisfied customers can increase the conversion rate by proving that others have benefited from your offering. Trust badges, like security seals or endorsements, add a layer of trust. Positive reviews and ratings should be easy to find on the page, boosting visitor confidence and leading to more conversions. Aim to include images of real people with their testimonials for added authenticity.

Meta’s Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns (ASC) are transforming how advertisers run their marketing efforts on Facebook. These campaigns automate up to 150 creative combinations at once, helping advertisers save time while optimizing ad performance. By leveraging machine learning, ASC identifies the best audiences, driving more efficient and effective results.

ASC campaigns focus on smarter and faster ad conversions. Unlike manual setups, Advantage+ campaigns have preset settings that streamline the creation process. This results in higher performance and less time spent on configuration, making it ideal for businesses looking to maximize their advertising efforts with minimum hassle.

For those interested in taking advantage of this automated solution, Meta’s Advantage+ simplifies the setup and management of ad campaigns. By using advanced algorithms, it ensures that campaigns reach the right audience, improving the cost per acquisition and overall return on investment.

Understanding Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns streamline the ad creation process by using automated systems to target the best audiences. This method improves efficiency and reduces the need for manual adjustments.

The Role of Meta’s ASC in Digital Marketing

Meta’s Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns play a crucial role in digital marketing. These campaigns use machine learning to identify and reach the most relevant audiences. This automated process helps businesses save time and resources while improving ad performance.

Instead of manually selecting audiences, the system dynamically adjusts settings to optimize results. Advertisers only need to choose a country, and the platform handles audience targeting. This leads to higher efficiency and potentially better return on ad spend (ROAS).

Components of ASC Campaigns

Components of ASC campaigns include automated targeting, dynamic creative testing, and centralized budget management. Automated targeting eliminates the need for manual audience adjustments, allowing the system to find the best placements.

Dynamic creative testing is another key feature, enabling advertisers to upload various creative assets such as static images and videos. The system then rapidly tests these assets to determine the best-performing ones. This approach saves time and optimizes ad delivery.

Budget management in ASC campaigns is more flexible. Unlike traditional campaigns, where budgets are set manually, the ASC system adjusts spending based on performance. This ensures that the best-performing ads receive the most budget, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness. These features make ASC campaigns a valuable tool for digital marketers seeking to optimize their advertising strategies.

Launching an ASC Campaign

Creating and launching Meta Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns involves setting up ads and targeting the right audience to optimize performance.

Creating Your ASC Ads

To start, navigate to Ads Manager and select Create. Choose Sales as your campaign objective. Then, opt for the Advantage+ shopping campaign.

Click Continue. Many settings are preset for ASC campaigns. You can review these by selecting See all preset settings.

Meta's ASC uses machine learning to create up to 150 ad combinations. This helps in finding the best-performing ads. Customize your ads by uploading product images, writing ad copies, and setting a budget.

Ensure your ads are visually appealing. High-quality images and clear, engaging text result in better performance.

Targeting and Optimization

ASC targets both new and existing customers. To set up targeting, first define your audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors. ASC leverages machine learning for optimizing ad delivery, finding the most likely buyers.

Utilize custom audiences to target people who have interacted with your business before. Lookalike audiences can help reach users similar to your best customers.

Monitor campaign performance regularly. Use the data to refine targeting and improve ad effectiveness. Adjust budgets based on what works best, ensuring optimal performance and better return on investment.

By following these steps, you can effectively launch and optimize your ASC campaigns, reaching the most relevant audience efficiently.

Measuring Campaign Success

Measuring the success of Advantage+ Shopping campaigns involves tracking specific performance metrics and analyzing data to ensure your advertising goals are met. This includes monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and interpreting data within the Meta Ads Manager.

Key Performance Indicators

To evaluate the effectiveness of ASC campaigns, it is essential to focus on several KPIs. Click-through rate (CTR) measures the proportion of people who clicked on the ad after seeing it. A higher CTR often indicates a more engaging ad.

Conversion rate indicates the number of visitors who completed a desired action, such as making a purchase. This helps assess how well the ad translates interest into actions.

Return on ad spend (ROAS) calculates the revenue generated for every dollar spent on the campaign. A higher ROAS means better efficiency in ad spending.

Cost per acquisition (CPA) measures the cost to acquire one customer. Keeping a low CPA while maintaining or improving conversion rates indicates a cost-effective campaign.

Analyzing ASC Data

Analyzing data from ASC campaigns requires understanding patterns and making informed decisions based on them. Segmentation of data by audience demographics or behaviors helps identify which groups are responding best to ads.

A/B testing different ad elements, such as headlines or images, helps find the most effective combination for attracting customers.

Visualizing trends with tools like graphs or charts in Meta Ads Manager allows easy comparison over time. This aids in identifying periods of better performance and understanding possible reasons behind them.

Using these methods, advertisers can continually optimize their campaigns by adjusting their strategies based on the insights gained from data analysis. For more details on ASC performance, refer to the insights available on Meta’s Advantage+ performance.